ABC4L-Project – Draft – 03 – 2nd prototype being in the home straight

LABC_project_in_progress, July. 2011After days, weeks and finally months of work, my Live oriented Augmented Bass Clarinet Project gets more usable..
Still a few steps to the goal !

After days, weeks and finally months of work, my Live oriented Augmented Bass Clarinet Project gets more usable…

Geometry and fixation of the first proto :



The second prototype as been built, in an optimized box and fixation :


The design is more reliable, smaller, and looks more “professional”. Thanks Buffet-Crampon, for giving me a few parts after a demonstration in the factory… I was able to optimise the box fixation.

In this electronic design lasts a little bug which should be soon fixed (I hope) : some strange comportment of the wireless communication, once a month…

Today, I just receive some components I ordered 🙂

Next step will be the design and the realisation of a little control surface under the right hand to drive more effects and sounds during the performance.

Let’s go…


See you in a few days….